What is it about a coffee shop that elicits deep thoughts about life? As I'm sitting at the Starbucks on Washtenaw with my dear roommate Amy, (who has immersed herself in finding Halloween costume ideas online <3) I find myself pondering about the wonders of life. Maybe my lecture slides from my social development class inspired me to look back at my own life and childhood. Anyways, do you ever wonder if things happen for a reason? What if you happened to not be at a specific time and place when you met someone who means the world to you? What if you were supposed to meet someone or discover something you love doing but because of chance it never happened? It's so crazy how one small decision paves the way to many other roads and decisions in your life. Although life feels dull at times (if not most of the time), when you actually sit down and think about it, the endless possibilities of life are scary but pretty exciting at the same time.
My question is "What's the next decision I'll make that will turn the pages to the next chapter of my life?" I'll start with finishing my lecture slides and enjoying my favorite drink from Starbucks--a tall, hot (or iced) coffee with vanilla syrup and skim milk.
I thought this song was relevant to my blog entry :) Yes, it's the soundtrack to a Disney animation film called Meet The Robinsons (2007) which is one of the best movies I've ever seen! I cried a little..lol
Rob Thomas-Little Wonders
watch the music video here!
"Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know the hardest part is over
Let it in, let your clarity define you
In the end we will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made in these small hours
These little wonders, these twists and turns of fate
Time falls away but these small hours
These small hours still remain"
By: Grace Hong
- the "e" (17)
- the dl (11)
- the eats (9)
- the happenings (9)
- the mishmash (20)
- the sights (8)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The W Hotel
This past weekend, I was invited to attend my good friend Kelly’s wedding in Atlanta, GA. Kelly was one of my closest friends since 3rd grade, and I figured this would be an awesome opportunity to visit my neo-home of 8 years prior to college.
Just a quick side-note: Atlanta has always been one of America’s most dangerous cities. It is rumored that, to win the selection for the 1996 Olympics, Atlanta decided to report only violent crimes in order to decrease the crimes statistics. So, the downtown area of Atlanta is still frequented by the report of gunshots while other parts of ATL, like the Buckhead and Midtown areas, are populated by the rich folk who love throwing money, showing off their leather-bounded-iPads, and vrooming their Ferraris.
As I surfed from site to site, from cheap deals to cheaper deals, I realized that the hotels were not as sky-high-expensive as I had imagined. Hyatts and Hiltons were rather considered mundane places while the Ritz and the Omni were offering Hail-Mary-promotions and sales. That’s when I came across the W.
The W hotel is a part of the Starwood brands that boasts itself as the most chic palace to enjoy for the nuevo riche. In Seoul, the W is ranked a mere 2nd to the most prestigious Shilla hotel where only the bankrollers dare to lay their heads—located just adjacent to the Walker Hill Hotel just outside of metro Seoul, the W hotel emanates an aura of wealth and splendor. Simply put, the W adds another decimal point at the end of the hotel bill compared to commonplace Hyatts and Hiltons (at least in Seoul).
Knowing how I would never enjoy the prestige of the W anywhere else in the world for the price shown on my screen, I booked it without a second glance (FYI, a normal one-night stay at the W is around $600 for the smallest room, before tax—I paid much much less).
As I drove up the hill that led to a LED-lighted glass entrance, my heart began pounding at the thought of feeling rich. As I thought to myself, one day I might actually belong here when I’ve raked in enough cash, the valet guy in a button-down and slacks opened my door and saluted me with, “Welcome to the W, Mr. Kim.” Wow. Here, I was Mr. Kim. To my already folded two $1 bills, I slipped in a $5 bill. Yes, I regret it now looking at my credit card bill, but what can I say? I felt wealthy at the words, Mr. Kim.
I melted from amazement as I entered the W, and I had to ooze myself from the lobby-slash-house-bar to the elevators. Unlike other hotels, the W was not afraid to crank up its house/lounge music to the level that matched Saturday nights at Necto (much better music than Necto, of course). The elevator itself wasn’t too exciting, but the really cool part was that I needed to slide my room card to make it move, just like in the movies. Although I was only staying for two nights, I felt like I was a part of the in-crowd—a selected few in the world who had access to this upwards/downwards moving machinery that would grant access to my floor.
As I walked into my king-size bed room, my expectations were not let down. From the lush carpet to the ceiling, from the 40-something-inch LED television (LG, no less) to the awesome shower stall, the only word that pinballed around my head was CHIC!
Almost all the furniture were black in color while the dim lighting made me feel like I had entered the VIP backroom of Hef’s mansion (never been; only what I’ve seen on Entourage). There was even lighting beneath the bed to create a sexy ambiance!
Instead of boring curtains, a black mesh so that anyone looking in would only see my silhouette.
No need to plug-in my card key to turn on the lights.
A prepared iPod dock to charge my iPhone.
An aromatic, soothing set of toiletries in the shower stall.
8 down pillows. Nuff said.
For the wedding, I had brought a tailored suit. But after suffering through 5 hours of cramped luggage space and linebacker-size baggage handlers, my suit looked no better than the copies of crumpled Michigan Daily at the Fish. Since I couldn’t just iron a suit like a dress shirt, I panicked and picked up the cordless phone. When the other end picked up, I expected a “This is the front desk.” What greeted me was a cunning set of alliteration in a seductive woman’s Siren: “Welcome to Whenever/Whatever! What is your Wish, Mr. Kim?” When I explained the situation, within minutes the concierge herself came up to my 20th floor room and picked up the suit. Then, before I could take off my socks and turn on the TV, she returned with my suit, fully ironed.
When I apologized about not having enough small bills to tip her (actually, I was still recovering from the $7 tip to that valet bastard), she said this was just a complimentary service for the guests with no lookout for tips or service feeds. A complimentary drycleaning and ironing? Never heard of at your local Hyatts and Hiltons.
The rest of the trip was filled with similar bubbly memories, and I still wonder why the hell I came back to Ann Arbor and to its 40-degree weather. Of course, I felt my heart drop to my feet when I saw my bill. But, was the spiffy-dressed valet guys worth it? Was the card-required entry to the elevator, the fantastic lounge music 24/7, and the fully loaded mini-bar worth it? Absolutely.
What a guy wouldn’t give to feel rich.
p.s. please excuse the amateur photos; my first time going all-out on my iPhone camera.
By: David J Kim
Monday, September 27, 2010
world of jenks
A MUST SEE. Aside from my weekly dose of the Bravo network's Real Housewives series, MTV's Jersey Shore, and Mnet's Superstar K, the one show that I would recommend to anyone and everyone is The World of Jenks. Although I love the hilarity and ridiculous-ness of the Jersey shore, MTV redeemed itself as a network in the television industry as well as in a humanitarian sense of what's "right." By "right" I mean the important social and cultural issues that underlie everyday life and people versus what television shows will draw in the most viewers and rake the most profits. Andrew Jenks is a documentary filmmaker who lives with a different stranger each week to learn more about them and to share with the world what he discovers and feels. From rapper Maino, Danielle--a homeless girl, Chad--a teenager struggling with Autism, to world poker star Nick Schulman, Jenks exposes the lives of these people who initially seem like strangers, but eventually feel an old friend through an intimate connection that is successfully communicated through his experiences. If you have thirty minutes to spare, watch and decide for yourself. I promise you won't regret it!
photo credits to tvrage.com
By: Grace Hong
Thursday, September 23, 2010
3rd week into school
It's already the 3rd week of school! How is everyone doing? I'm not sure if time is flying by or if it's going too slow. I don't know about all of you, but I've been very busy with my classes and work. I didn't think 14 credits would be much but along with 15 hours of work a week it's pretty stressful and time consuming. One thing that resulted from my busy schedule is cutting class. Noooo. It's becoming a horrible habit and I can't stop. I told myself I would go to all my classes this year since it's my last. I already skipped 4 classes this week :( AND I just found out that one of my professors refuses to put up his lecture slides on CTools. The bottom line is I advise you guys to go to class because if you don't it's so easy to fall behind!
By: Grace Hong
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
academic/life crisis?
Hello freshies and other underclassmen :) Now is the time that you all have to think about potential majors and concentrations. I understand the confusion, stress, and frustration that goes into deciding a major and then getting all the requirements done in order to graduate on time. A little piece of advice I want to give the new freshmen class is to take advantage of one semester of freshmen year by taking all sorts of classes. That is the best way to find out if it's something you really want to do or if you're doing it because you don't know what else to do. I personally had a mid college epiphany after my sophomore year that I didn't want to do pre-medicine because of the simple fact that I didn't like it. Too bad that I realized it a little late after all my basic pre-medicine requirements were done. But it's never too late! I am now a communication studies and psychology double major AND am still able to graduate on time. I don't regret this decision I made and I hope all of you find something you really love learning about. Because nothing's better than genuinely wanting to go to class and learn. If you haven't experienced that desire then I challenge you to find your passion in college and in life :)
"When all's said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it's not so much which road you take, as how you take it." --Charles de Lint
The KSA board members are always eager and willing to help all of you so feel more than welcome to e-mail us about questions you have related to school, KSA, or just life in general!
Inyong Chung//inyong@umich.edu
Taejoon Han//Economics major--tjhan@umich.edu
Grace Hong//Communication Studies & Psychology major--honggr@umich.edu
Jasmine Huang//Industrial and Operations Engineering major--jashuang@umich.edu
Dan Jun//Biomedical Engineering major--djun@umich.edu
David Kim//English major--djkk@umich.edu
Sam Moon//Communication Studies major--sammoon@umich.edu
James Oh//Biology major (pre-dental)--jstoh@umich.edu
Michelle Park//Political Science major, Economics minor--michp@umich.edu
Sorah Park//Communication Studies & Psychology majo--sorah@umich.edu
Austin Yi//Mechanical engineering major--yiaustin@umich.edu
Rebecca Yi//Communication Studies major--rebyi@umich.edu
By: Grace Hong
"When all's said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it's not so much which road you take, as how you take it." --Charles de Lint
The KSA board members are always eager and willing to help all of you so feel more than welcome to e-mail us about questions you have related to school, KSA, or just life in general!
Inyong Chung//inyong@umich.edu
Taejoon Han//Economics major--tjhan@umich.edu
Grace Hong//Communication Studies & Psychology major--honggr@umich.edu
Jasmine Huang//Industrial and Operations Engineering major--jashuang@umich.edu
Dan Jun//Biomedical Engineering major--djun@umich.edu
David Kim//English major--djkk@umich.edu
Sam Moon//Communication Studies major--sammoon@umich.edu
James Oh//Biology major (pre-dental)--jstoh@umich.edu
Michelle Park//Political Science major, Economics minor--michp@umich.edu
Sorah Park//Communication Studies & Psychology majo--sorah@umich.edu
Austin Yi//Mechanical engineering major--yiaustin@umich.edu
Rebecca Yi//Communication Studies major--rebyi@umich.edu
By: Grace Hong
north quad

The residential tower is ten stories high with three lounges on every floor; the third floor has two large lounges, called “lofts,” as well as the Community Learning Center. The academic areas house 14 different classrooms, as well as large study areas called “Media Gateways,” where several flat-screen televisions are mounted on the walls for students to use. You can hook up your computer to these screens, watch cable TV, or even use the screens to watch movies or play video games on your Xbox360 or other gaming consoles. The other tower of North Quad, the academic tower, is seven stories high.
Reading about North Quad in a blog doesn’t do it justice; it really is an amazing building that you’ll have to go and see for yourself. Feel free to just walk in and check it out any time, or get someone to swipe you into the cafeteria! My brother lives there and said the food is pretty good.
North Quad is located at 105 S. State St, on the corner of State and E. Washington St. Please visit the link below for more information about the building, dining hall hours, etc!
By: Jasmine Huang
the ugli
The Shapiro Undergraduate Library is located off of the Diag on central campus. It sits between the Hatcher Graduate Library and West Hall. Affectionately known as the “UGLi,” it serves as the meeting and studying spot for undergraduates as well as high school and graduate students. From my experiences, the UGLi is more of a social hot-spot than somewhere to study. You’ll be sure to run into friends and acquaintances on every floor. The UGLi consists of five floors. The basement, the first floor (lobby) and the second floor all consist of large tables, convenient for friends and large groups to study. The second floor also has individual study rooms for a little more privacy. The third and fourth floors are quieter and are technically the Science Library portion of the University. If you really need to get work done and you want to study at the UGLi, I recommend studying on the third or fourth floor.
From past experience, UGLi is where we went to “study,” convene, talk, gossip, and have late night study sessions with friends. While studying for finals during freshmen year, we used to order from Pizza House and Insomnia Cookies. Although this may contribute to your freshmen 15, I encourage you all to experience the college life!
By: Guest Blogger, Amy Park
No Thai!
No Thai. What more could you ask for in a meal? Rice (or noodles), meat, vegetables, combined with an explosion of flavor and spice. It's the perfect meal at a good price. This local Thai restaurant conveniently located on campus (on South University) is a favorite of Asians and non-Asians alike. Their menu has something for everyone, whether you're a rice-man, a noodle-woman, whether you're a fan of meat (chicken, beef, even shrimp) or not, everything is made to order. You can even control the level of spice: either weaksauce, (for weaksauce tastebuds), medium, yoga-flame, or dimmak (for the insane). Their service is fast, well, as fast as they can be when the line goes out the door and around the corner, and the staff is always friendly.
For those of you not familiar with No Thai, you might be wondering about the name "No Thai". Does it mean there's no Thai food there? Is it a secret inside joke? Nope. The name comes from their head chef, Noerung "No" Hang. He and three of his friends came together one fateful day and decided that the University of Michigan was in dire need of a good Thai eatery. They more than met that need as now No Thai is one of the most popular places to eat on campus. They even have a delivery service at www.nothai.com so now you can enjoy No Thai from the comfort of your own home! I must, however, include one warning. If you have yet to eat from this holy grail of Asian food, be careful of your first visit. You might get hooked, like I did, and start flying through their loyalty stamp cards (10 meals to get one free) like Rebecca and her credit card.
By: Dan Jun
oh dae han min gook~
DAE~ HAN MIN GOOK. Soccer has always been a part of my life, as has been cheering for the South Korean national team in the world cup every four years. Especially when I lived in Los Angeles, I would have to wake up at around 4 or 5 am to catch the Korean games on television (equivalent of 7 or 8 am in Michigan). Of course, the thrill of playing soccer is something I often miss during my years in college. I will never forget the night games under the bright lights, representing my school. This year, I look forward to representing KSA in the intramural soccer league. Last year was the first year of the team, and we struggled with some poor time slots and roster miscommunications. This fall, I look forward to seeing the growth and development of our squad. Hopefully we can organize a game against our international peers at KISA later in the semester. Our first game is on Thursday at 5:30PM, so I hope to see some KSA support on the field!
By: James Oh
By: James Oh
review of ENGR 100 level classes
As a freshmen engineer, one must endure the tedious work of learning how to write C++ and Matlab codes successfully. The University offers 3 sections of 101 classes with Professor Ringenberg and Belajew. Take Professor Ringenberg. Currently he has received 4.3 rating on ratemyprofessors.com, and with the amount of haters on that site, 4.3 is an amazing score for an engineering professor. Furthermore, I actually had him as a freshmen engineer, and he is very forgiving. His exams are straightforward and while they may not be easy, they correspond linearly to what he taught in the lectures. I have not heard of Professor Belajew and Wellman, since they were not one of the professors that taught it during my freshmen year. Just remember to change up the codes when you receive it from the smarter kids so you won’t get caught.
(Ringenberg on left)
If you were lucky enough to get the engineering 100 class you’ve wanted and decided to take engineering 100 before 101, good for you. However, for those who went to orientation late in July and were force to take engr 101 in fall semester, don’t worry, there are more exciting classes in the winter. I will list the harder sections of engr 100. First of all, any section related to biomedical technology is rough. There is no way around it. You will spend tremendous amount of time working in teams to complete projects with no shortcuts. Also, with the amount of Biomedical Engineering and Pre-Med Engineers lurking in the class, you will have to put your best effort. Avoid design in the real world. Don’t let the simple description fool you, it is, from what I’ve heard, one of the hardest engr100 section due to the professor. So other than those two sections and some more, all others are good to go. Remember to work as a team, because both in engr 100 and 101, you will get projects done tremendously faster and easier with a group of friends or teams.
By: Austin Yi
hip hop academy
Hello Everyone!
I'd like to share and present what my friends and I have been working on over the summer, we decided to start up a new student organization entitled "the U of M Hip Hop Academy." We decided to create this organization to promote and preserve hip hop culture and all the dynamic aspects it can offer! We are planning to achieve this goal by teaching lessons in bboying, popping, modern style of dance, house dance, vinyl mixing and scratch deejaying, house deejaying, and emceeing. We plan on inviting many guests to hold workshops and discussion panels throughout the year! For our first event "Diag Hip Hop Festival" we are inviting three guests from Korea, bboy Born (internationally renown bboy of Rivers Crew) Jazzy Ivy (underground emcee, Zulu Nation Corea President, known as the cultural leader/ambassador of 'Korean Hip Hop'), Chanyc Kim (Urban Photographer, Zulu Nation, Seoul City Rockers, check out his photos at www.chanyc.com), make sure to come out and support!
Look our club and first event on facebook (U of M Hip Hop Academy, Diag Hip Hop Festival) or if your interested and have questions send an e-mail to umhiphopacademy@gmail.com!
Our first ever mass meeting is next monday September 20, 2010 at 8PM at the Trotter Multicultural Center (on South University street past Washtenaw Ave), come out for some more information and performances by our instructors and just to have a fun time!
By: Taejoon Han (in the red hat)
go blue. beat osu.
MAN! I’ve got to say, the past three years of Michigan football have taken its toll on me… All the new changes, the ups and downs, and having my heart toyed with week after week... For all you incoming freshmen- so far…you’ve been spoiled. I say so far because who knows how many more 500 yard games Denard Robinson can pull out of his untied shoes (fingers and arms crossed…)
My first game at Michigan? Appalachian State. I was standing row 9 right behind the field goal posts where our punt to win the game was blocked by App State’s Corey Lynch. Coming from a joke of a high school football program, I was certain from that point on that I was jinxed with sports. Michigan, the most winningest college football program in history, ranked number 5 in the preseason polls with the most ridiculous returning senior starters- Chad Henne, Mike Hart and Jake Long (Michigan’s all time leading passer, all time leading rusher, and number 1 overall pick of the NFL draft) had just lost to a 1-AA team. For all you technicality sticklers, I refuse to acknowledge the subdivision change.
My second game at Michigan? Oregon, where Dennis Damn Dixon ran all over the Michigan D, handing us our worst home loss in history. After the game, Mike Hart, who has a direct line to GOD, said this about the next game against Notre Dame: “There's no question in my mind. I guarantee we will win next week.” Awesome. Legendary. Whatever.
The best part is…he delivered. We would go on to win the next 8 games (including a trip to State where I witnessed Mario Manningham do amazing feats of acrobatics alongside 80,000 State fans with my face painted Maize and Blue) and lose the second to last game against Wisco.
THEN came Ohio State…It was at the Big House and everyone in Ann Arbor knew the deal- our seniors haven’t beaten OSU in their four years here and we just couldn’t let that happen. Unfortunately… it did. As a matter of fact, we STILL haven’t beaten Ohio State yet. I knew of, but didn’t understand, the rivalry when I got here. Now, I hate them more than I hate Nick Sheridan, Jimmy Clausen and our new kicker this year (WHO IS THAT GUY ANYWAY?!). We didn’t contend for the National Championship that year like so many had hoped for, but we did hand Heisman winning-golden boy Tim Tebow his only postseason loss in the 2008 Capital One Bowl. Lloyd went out on top, sorta. Call it denial, but the 2008 season never happened in my books so I won’t even go there.
In 2009, a certain now-third-string QB named Tate Forcier also started off 2-0 and even went on to go 4-0…before going through an epic collapse and losing 7 out of 8 games (with the sole win against 1-AA Delaware State). We finished 1-7 in the Big Ten, something unheard of in our proud 130+ year tradition, which was actually worse than our “Never Happened” 2008 season.
My point is kiddos, enjoy and embrace each victory as much as you can because the next loss will hurt…bad. Don’t take it for granted and know that there are a lot of people working real hard so we don’t ever go through the Dark Ages again. Also, respect us seniors a bit… I’m about to insult a lot of in-state kids… but we’ll always consider ourselves bigger and prouder Michigan fans than you because of what we’ve been through here. We still have 9 games left before The Game, which is really the only game that matters to me at this point, so till then… let’s stay loud, stay proud and GO BLUE!
By: Sam Moon
dance like it's the last night of your life
Being a freshman, I didn't know what to expect from KSA's Halloween club night last year. It would be like all of the other FUNSTASTIC KSA's club nights except crazier because it was HALLOWEEN and people would be decked out in costumes and make-up. I'm such a big Halloween person because "it's the one night girl's can dress up like a slut and no one can say anything about it" hahaha just kidding, that's from Mean Girls. No, but really it's the one night you can dress up crazy as anyone you want to and it wouldnt be embarrassing because everyone is dressed up too! In preparation for club night my girlfriends and I spent a WHOLE WEEK making (yes that's right, MAKING,..from scratch) our costumes. we were dressed as soda chasers. Cute right? I was Sprite and among the other girls there was Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Welch's, and Coca-Cola. It turned out amazing and so did everybody else's costumes! Walking into Studio 4 (now known as Dream) I saw the beautiful Wonder Girls, SNSD, G Dragon, pirates, alcohol bottles, Alice and Wonderland characters, and a lot more! KSA's Halloween club night met all my expectations. I was so proud wearing my costume because I've never sewn anything in my life! I had so much fun and so did everybody else. I can't wait until this year's Halloween! Get ready! Get excited! :)
By: Rebecca Yi
By: Rebecca Yi
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
beat the beat
This weekend is KSA’s annual kickoff club night and I’m so excited! It’s usually the biggest club event of the year and there’s always a great turn out. Even if you’re not particularly into the party scene, it’s always nice to have a fun night out with your friends and mingle with some new people. Everyone is always super dressed up - the girls look sexy and the guys look hot, but boys, don’t forget to wear a collared shirt if you want to get in. If you’re over 21, have fun at the bar, but if you’re underage – stay away from the drinks, you WILL be kicked out with your big black X’s. Trust me, you don’t want to be left out in the cold, it’s embarrassing and a huge buzz kill. The KSA board members will be at the club at 10:30 and since the line is longest around 12, if you don’t want to wait out in the cold, it’s best to come early and hang with us. Don’t feel awkward, get excited, bring all your friends, and I can’t wait to see all our old and new members there! ☺ Fist pumping is definitely allowed!!!!!!!! By: Michelle Park |
Sunday, September 12, 2010
food for thought
photo credits to corporate eye
Quote of the day:
"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."
-Mark Twain
US humorist, novelist, short story author, & wit (1835 - 1910)
What I got out of this quote is that listening is more effective in a conversation than talking with all the right words. Let's all be effective communicators by learning how to sincerely
listen to others!
By:Grace Hong
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
the ark
One place I've always wanted to go was The Ark on Main Street in downtown Ann Arbor. It's basically a small music concert venue that fits roughly 400 people. The artists who frequent The Ark aren't particularly mainstream, but are underground bands and singers who are very talented and deserve to be discovered. From what I've heard, it's a rare intimate experience that you get to have with the performers. So if you're bored and have nothing to do, do something spontaneous like grabbing dinner at one of Main Street's restaurants and attending a random Ark show! Check out who's performing at the Ark! http://www.theark.org/
And check out some of these YouTube links of Ark performances
Howie Day-Collide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNmp_3ocd1w
Matt Kearney-Breathe In, Breathe Out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs3gikMWGCY
Ingrid Michaelson performing at the Ark
By: Grace Hong
food frenzy
Everyone loves food. American food, Chinese food, Korean food (!), Mexican food, Italian food, Indian food, Japanese food, Middle Eastern food, Thai food, Vietnamese food, Seafood (?)...did I leave anything out? Anyways, despite where it originates from we all love that one dish (or two) that we think embodies an entire culture's "food." I don't have a rich understanding of what Thai food is all about but only know the Americanized Thai noodle dishes at No Thai. With that in mind, I hope you all read these upcoming blogs with a grain of salt and don't take offense to our unintentional cultural ignorance. Thanks for understanding!
I leave you with one of the many many things you have to eat in AA; Pancheros chicken burrito. The chewy, stretchy, doughy tortilla is to die for and better than any corporate fast food tortilla you'll find at Chipotle, Qdoba, or Taco Bell. I don't even need to elaborate on the delicious insides. This picture says more than enough.

picture credits to Jee Park
By: Grace Hong
I leave you with one of the many many things you have to eat in AA; Pancheros chicken burrito. The chewy, stretchy, doughy tortilla is to die for and better than any corporate fast food tortilla you'll find at Chipotle, Qdoba, or Taco Bell. I don't even need to elaborate on the delicious insides. This picture says more than enough.

picture credits to Jee Park
By: Grace Hong
2NE1 --To Anyone
1. Can't Nobody
2. Go Away
3. Clap your Hands
4. I'm Busy
5. It hurts
6. Love is Ouch
7. You and I
8. Please Don't Go
9. Kiss
10. Try to Follow Me
11. I Don't Care
12. Can't Nobody (English)
My personal favorite is "Go Away"--something about the lyrics rings true and I think everyone can relate to an ex that you basically want to just go away. Plus I love the fact that 2NE1 is all about girl power! Most k-pop girl and boy groups these days only sing about missing an ex or being in love. The only other girl group I can think of that fits this concept is the Spice Girls from back in the day. Anyways, most of the new songs on the album have a electronic/house/techno feel to it. I'm definitely not a music critic nor do I know any technical aspects of music, but I really like what I hear! Everyone should support 2NE1 and buy their album online! Or download it here haha http://www.ihoneyjoo.com/albums/2ne1-to-anyone-album/
credits: allkpop
by: Grace Hong
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